The STEM Academy at DCOC educates students through STEM based curriculum that will enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills while fostering a love of knowledge and learning. We believe that science and the Bible do not conflict; but rather see how we can learn about God through scientific concepts. Exploring science and its connection to the Bible and its stories will allow students to see that God is the creator of all.
Ages Served: 3-6 years old
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
An academic calendar for the year will be distributed and available at the beginning of the Academy’s year. It will follow local ISD calendars closely but not completely.
Students must enroll in all three days of the academy. Pricing per student. CASH/CHECK only.
$30: One-time admissions form fee (cash only)
$100: One-time supply fee due in August.
$250: due the first day of the month (Aug.-May)
Example Schedule:
9:00-9:30 Arrival and Morning STEM Activity (STEM Bins and STEM Sensory)
9:30-9:45 Focus Wall (Pledge & Weekly STEM Focus)
9:45-10:00 Snack and Restroom Break
10:00-10:30 STEM in the Gym or STEM Garden Time (will rotate based on lessons)
10:30-11:15 45 Minute STEM Lesson
11:15-11:45 Outside Break
11:45-12:15 Lunch Break
12:15-12:45 30 Minute STEM Lesson.
12:45-1:00 Dismissal
Description of program:
Morning STEM Activity (STEM Bins and STEM Sensory): As students come in, they will be able to choose a STEM bin or participate in a STEM sensory activity that is already laid out in the classroom. STEM bins will contain an activity that will help build student’s foundational skills in a fun and hands on way that will stimulate creativity.
Focus Wall (Pledge & Weekly STEM Focus):
During this time students gather around their teacher and review letters, numbers, calendar, weather, etc. Additionally, a weekly STEM focus will be displayed that shows the STEM focus for the week and how it relates to the Bible and God’s Creation (This time will also be used to review previous concepts already learned).
STEM Lesson:
STEM based lessons that tie back to biblical concepts (these will be reinforced with experiments, manipulative, games, crafts, etc.). Curriculum for the year will be written and prepared for teachers by administration.
STEM in the Gym or STEM Garden Time (These will rotate based on lessons, weather, and curriculum):
STEM in the Gym will be organized by stations. Different gross motor STEM items will be laid out in the gym and students will rotate between them. Games with these items will also be implemented. Examples of items that will be used are; foam climbing blocks to build structures and climb on, sensory liquid gel floor tiles (these allow students to explore with hands, feet, and see visually how colored liquids combine and move) scooter boards (implementation into STEM GYM Games), balance scooters (to explore how body weight shifts and influences movement), balancing stones (students can test their balance shifting between different stone sizes and movements and see how different heights and distances affect that balance).
Outside Break:
Students will take a break outside to explore their bodies and how they move.
Students will observe nature and the world around them while burning off energy.
STEM Garden Time:
STEM Garden time will use the church garden to implement different science themes. Examples include plants (how they grow and the parts of the plants), weather (how weather effects plants negatively and positively), composting, insects, soil, etc. Students will be able to learn about these topics with hands on experience. The garden is on DCOC grounds.
Garden Mission Statement:
“Our Mission is to encourage connection with nature and find beauty in the world around us. We want to offer students a hands-on educational experience in a living classroom and encourage them to explore their senses within nature while fostering a love for plants, nutrition, and ecosystem.”
STEM Academy at DCOC is not licensed by the state, but rather a single-skill program. We have obtained and have on file our single-skill exemption from HHSC.
Contact Kristin Hahn for more information: 940-627-6355